Phil Haley with arms open in a sheep pen
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“I’ve been searching for something, I haven’t
really known exactly what that ‘something’
is, but I know I’ve been searching.”

Since I graduated University I’ve been moving around the world; sometimes for work, sometimes for fun, sometimes just to get away. Living in one place, going to the same job every day, living a ‘regular’ lifestyle suits so many people, but doesn’t really suit me. This was my drive to move and explore the world, to try out different ways of life and see what does suit me.

Anyone who has travelled knows how it can be a roller coaster of ups and downs – you live your life just like you would if you had a full time job and a family – you make it work for you, you deal with the good, deal with the bad, you realise what makes you happy and what doesn’t; you adapt. While moving from place to place and job to job, looking to find the right fit for me, someone and something extraordinary came into my life. That was Tribe of Lambs.

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Bobbi Paidel and Phil Haley smiling

By magical chance I met Bobbi in Byron Bay, Australia; immediately captured by Bobbi’s energetic passion and open heart I later joined Bobbi in India. This step led me to joining the Tribe, which changed my life completely.

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Within my first few days in India I was in the Himalayas helping Bobbi hand out winter coats to children, playing games with them at school, singing and dancing with kids who have nothing but each other.

Just a few hours with Bobbi and her lambs was enough to suck me in! I didn’t see one sad face, not one unappreciative girl or boy and not one person who didn’t adore Bobbi. Seeing first hand the impact 1 person can have on so many lives touched me; I knew I had to be a part of it.

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Found what I’m looking for.

I’ve worked for many different brands – big and small, good and bad – the brands that I enjoy working with are ones that make a positive impact in the world, no matter what industry they’re in or how big they are. I’ve always believed that no matter what we do with our lives, we can all make a positive impact to a fellow human being. Small gestures or actions can change someone else’s day, week, month or life to make it a little bit better. Why wouldn’t we all want this? Why wouldn’t we all help each other live a better or happier life? Brands that build their organisation with this mentality in mind is a brand I’m on board with.

Tribe of Lambs is exactly this – a brand that lives and breathes the concept that we can live our lives while helping others. Every element of the Tribe has this engrained throughout; from my personal interaction with the Tribe’s founder and initial projects, I couldn’t help but commit my future. This is what I’ve been looking for; an organisation I can throw myself into which lets me express and utilize my creative marketing side and drive for success while combining my passion for making the world a nicer place for each other. This also fits my search for a lifestyle out of the ordinary, one that will constantly change and develop how I want it to.

Phil Haley with arms up looking at a waterfall


Director of Marketing, Phil Haley's Signature
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