

Name: Siya

Birthday: February 28th 2002

School: Hindi Medium

Favourite Subject: Social Sciences

Special Talent: Dancing

Best Friend: Deviani

Favourite thing about India: All the waterfalls

Favourite Animal: Rabbit

Favourite Colour: Pink

Best thing about Rays: Badimma (Hindi slang for mommy, referring to Rashmi – the founder of Rays NGO)

Her story: “Her father married another woman, leaving her mother in distress – HIV positive and alone. That’s when Siya joined us at Rays, along with her half brother and sister. Although she’s HIV negative, her mother and siblings are positive. To give her mother a chance to focus on her health and wellbeing, we took her children in. When Siya first came to Rays in 2013 she was a very submissive and meek girl, and quite reluctant to leave her mother alone in their village. After so much change and disruption we gave her stable and safe environment to live, study and grow. We also gave her counselling and support through these big changes in her life. Eventually, Siya went back to her village to speak to her father, who agreed to look after her mother and one of her brothers, who now live with him and his new wife. Siya now brings so much colour and strength to the home.” Told by one of the caretakers at Rays home for HIV positive children,.

Siya lives at Rays home for HIV positive children with her younger half sister, Vivek. She wants to be a beautician when she grows up, and with her positive, vibrant and cheeky personality we’re excited to see where life takes her.

Product inspired: Siya Ring

*children’s names have been changed.