

Age: 24

Location: Jaipur, Rajasthan

About me: 

“I’ve been living in the i-India shelter home for the past 8 years. I started studying nursing at college and working at Ladli  to pay for college. I am from the village about 40km away from Jaipur. I have 3 sisters & 1 brother. We are all working at Ladli and it’s really helped our family after becoming orphans 8 years ago. My Yogi daughter is 2.5 and I’ve been married for 4 years in a love marriage, I met my husband Deepak also at the shelter. Now he is working for the I-India child help line.”

What do you enjoy about working at Ladli? 

“I feel very well here, like family. I love it! It’s the work, the teachers and girls.And also I can bring Yogi for school. I love people. After daughter is 3 years I will complete my nursing internship and work to the hospital. I was able to open a bank, save money and buy land so in the future my husband and I can build a home.”

What is your dream for your future?

“I will help other people and patients.”

How can Ladli help other women?

“Because of joining here, girls and women, otherwise would never go outside and work. They come here to work and have confidence. And they can work support their lives with empowerment.”

*Tulsi and her sisters were a part of the Lahore community. She became a child bride at only 8 years old. Abhi Gowsami (founder of i-India) reported this to the police and took custody of the children of Tulsi’s family.

Shop the Ray of Hope Bracelets tied by the women at Ladli Cooperative